Tuesday, November 14, 2006

svn your system

After my friend used subversion also for the linux system for quite some time now i thought i give it finally a try.

Installing svn or importing the system was not the problem, but how am i able to add the system into svn without having to checkout at the end.

Goggling with the right words i found this.

The Trick is to add the directories by hand into the svn with mkdir and then checkout the empty directory into your system. Then all you have to do is to add all files and directories and commit everything:

# svn mkdir file:///root/svn-repository/etc
-m "Make a directory in the repository to correspond to /etc"
# cd /etc
# svn co file:///root/svn-repository/etc .
# svn add *
# svn ci -m "Initial version of my config files"

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