Thursday, June 28, 2007

life span of a LCD Beamer

My PT AE 700

About three years ago i bought a Panasonic PT AE 700 Beamer. Calulating the time how long a Lamp may live i thought i have worked it all out.. but i was wrong.

LCD Beamers are not supposed to be used the whole day, every day in the year.. just as you would use a TV.. but i thought it would only need more Lamps..

Unfortunately that's not the whole story. Without going into much technical Detail about how they work there is one piece which is the heart of it.. the LCD Panel. Basically it holds all three Panels (one for Red, Green and a Blue one) and the replacement unit costs as much as a new Beamer.

That's supposed to be a black Image.

I have now seen about 5000 Hours with that Beamer and after about 4500 there was a Blue Cloud in the Picture... this week i have some black artifacts in the Cloud... My Panel has broken before i even had changed the Lamp in it...

So my advice is: If you want to use the Beamer more than once a week, don't by a LCD.

Looking for a replacement i either would take a Plasma screen or maybe a DLP, but i am not entirely sure what costs you have with an DLP.


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

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don't give up and keep penning due to the fact that it simply worth to follow it.
excited to read a lot more of your writing, have a good day ;)