Thursday, April 27, 2006

labeling the world

Using labels for any form has become a standard habitat for me. From time to time i get angry when i am using some form on the internet which does not know about labels.. so you have to click right on the element.. not left...*$$ not right.. now i have it ;-(

At first i did not think much about it but now, it's always an indicator if the site i am looking at is well programmed or not.

Unfortunately css3 is not starting early enough and we have to keep with css 2.1 and Windows without Cleartype activated.. which means the designers want graphics everywhere .. even in a form. (From time to time).

Using Firefox as my primary Browser i did not detect the error at first, but it looks like IE does not like images in labels.. which means, it does not work.
<label for="foo"><img .... /></label>

I don't know if it's a bug in IE or it is not in the specification for html, so shouldn't work at all.. but i tested it also with IE 7 Beta 2.. it does not work.

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