Monday, July 18, 2005

Bad weekend

As murphy's law says: if something bad happen, it will probably be just the beginning of getting much worse.

This weekend we planed to go camping with a group of roleplaying friends. The Idea was to play the whole weekend in the nature to get a better feeling for the game and of course we did not want to get disturbed by anything or anyone. A friend of mine who organised everything, first talked about 20 People or so which should come. On Firday he told me that we should be at least 12 People... in the end it was just our group of 5 plus one.

The small size of the group was a problem since the story my friend prepared for the weekend needed at least 10 People.
And nature itself did not like us, since we had more rain than anything...

So we stopped the whole thing at Saturday evening and drove home, where we all enjoyed a good hot shower and played another story at my place... since we still wanted to do some roleplaying...
But we all were really tired from the whole day and it did not went really good, so we ended the game early.

On Sunday i woke up and my girlfriends told me: The computer crashed and now nothing works anymore... shi* ... ok, i looked over it ... harddisk will not boot... even the bios has problems with it... i downloaded a service tool from the harddisk manufacturer.. (it is a quantum fireball so i used maxtors powermax).. and after booting from a disk and entering: Quick Check it immediately showed a Number and told me to contact support... Yipeee... i hate sundays....

Of course i had some serios work on that disk and my girlfriend kills me if i am unable to get her data of the disk... did i mention i hate sundays?...

All i could do is find a company which is able to retrieve the data of the disk and pay possilbe a horrific prize for it... i hope they are able to get the data or i am in serious trouble!

For what its worth, i think i will install a raid system on my computer...

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