Monday, May 09, 2005

never change a running system

This is the first rule every technician learn. But what if the server will not work anymore... After about 8 months our Debian Server run without big problems.. but today when i got to work, nor ssh or samba was working. Only apache still ran without any problems.
I went to the server room and triied to start ssh by hand.. but nothing happend...

So i took a good breath.. waited a little time and then entered this magical words... .... and stared shocked at the monitor if anythink bad happend and wondered if i did the right thing...

Then i waited .. it must have been hours.. but it was surely not more than some seconds... boot screen... linux starting up... no error message.. good..initilizing... ok... login nothing happend?... i logged in to check further... samba is running, ssh is runnning.. apache ...and everythink else...

I got up and back to my workstation and checked again.. everythink is working fine.. i checked the log files.. nothing reported between the 4 of Mai and today after i rebooted the server.. strange very strange..

although everythink works probably normal, i don't know why it did not work in the first place.

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