Monday, May 23, 2005


Yesterday we had a Epsiode day. First we have seen Epsiode 1 and 2 at my place, and then we went to the cinema for Epsiode 3.

Well i have to admit that i am pretty impressed by the movie. They have managed closing the gap between the old and the new trilogy real fine.

If you like Star Wars, you have to see it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

bye bye good old anonymity

A thing so obscure and so brutal to the internet communitiy, that i could not even imagine it, just happend. Austrian citizans are now required to give their real names and address on their private Homepage, even if it is just a Site with photos from their 6 month old child!

Hello??? Where is the privacy in that? It is also unlikely that they will now start to search for sites without proper data. So what is it then for?

Another point for the police state without privacy..

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

DOM Inspector

The DOM Inspector is a very good Tool, and needed desperately while programming websites. FireFox for instance has it's own and you can install it with FireFox for free.

Internet Explorer on the other hand has nothing shipped with it. Now i read at IE Blog that there will not be any Inspector, because "3rd Parties have already programmed it"... and you can download it ... or better say B U Y it from them...

What the hack ... buy????

Well, again one point for FireFox.. they are not as lousy programmers as at microsoft ;-)

Monday, May 09, 2005

never change a running system

This is the first rule every technician learn. But what if the server will not work anymore... After about 8 months our Debian Server run without big problems.. but today when i got to work, nor ssh or samba was working. Only apache still ran without any problems.
I went to the server room and triied to start ssh by hand.. but nothing happend...

So i took a good breath.. waited a little time and then entered this magical words... .... and stared shocked at the monitor if anythink bad happend and wondered if i did the right thing...

Then i waited .. it must have been hours.. but it was surely not more than some seconds... boot screen... linux starting up... no error message.. good..initilizing... ok... login nothing happend?... i logged in to check further... samba is running, ssh is runnning.. apache ...and everythink else...

I got up and back to my workstation and checked again.. everythink is working fine.. i checked the log files.. nothing reported between the 4 of Mai and today after i rebooted the server.. strange very strange..

although everythink works probably normal, i don't know why it did not work in the first place.

loong weekend

I used some of my overtime and rode away last Wednesday until i got back on Sunday. I have to say, although it have been 5 days, i usually will need additional two weeks ;-)

And naturally the weather was as bad as it could be.. rain, cold temperature.. but it did not matter... i had enough to reed and relax.