Thursday, January 04, 2007

IE7 a little funny?

Recently i got some weird Warning Messages at my PC. Starting exe Files like Installation Files or even my context Menu on rar Files on my Network Drive would create a Warning Popup telling me that it is insecure and if i know what i am doing.

At first i did not have much time so i did not really care but today it was getting really on my nerves. So i thought about who could be responsible ... a security update? No, ... but i updated to IE 7 last year and it is common knowledge that IE has some power over the Windows Explorer.

So i looked into the Options of IE and found a Security switch in the Tab Security in the Options of Internet which is called something like Misc->Start Applications and unsafe Files (since i have a German Version it is called something different). After i changed this to yes i got no more messages anymore.

But IE7 is going nuts that it is now insecure and wants to change that Switch every time i start IE.

First: Why the hell is a Web Browser changing rules for my Operating System?!! And Second: Why is my Network Drive now in the Internet Group?

Ok i found this site: which tells you how to add your server to the intranet security options in IE7.

Still i think that a Web Browser should not be able to change my OS Settings.

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