Thursday, January 11, 2007

Google Desktop

I am using Google Desktop in the company to quickly find files.. since Outlook and other Applications from MS are rather slow and you can't find what you really want.

But the Problem i had is that you are unable to change the Directory where to save the Indexing Files. Since it saves them onto the Local Settings of my User Account that Data would be moved back to our server with my whole profile.

I am working on the same Client PC every day, so i don't need them to be moved to the server and back, it's an unnecessary waste of resources.

Luckily i found this:

In short:
If you want to change the location of the cache, you just need to change a registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Desktop\data_dir

It defaults to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Desktop Search

I just exited the search with the tray icon, changed it to a folder on my D drive and moved the existing files over to the new location and then restarted it and it is now updating at the new location just dandy..

It worked like a charm ;-)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

IE7 a little funny?

Recently i got some weird Warning Messages at my PC. Starting exe Files like Installation Files or even my context Menu on rar Files on my Network Drive would create a Warning Popup telling me that it is insecure and if i know what i am doing.

At first i did not have much time so i did not really care but today it was getting really on my nerves. So i thought about who could be responsible ... a security update? No, ... but i updated to IE 7 last year and it is common knowledge that IE has some power over the Windows Explorer.

So i looked into the Options of IE and found a Security switch in the Tab Security in the Options of Internet which is called something like Misc->Start Applications and unsafe Files (since i have a German Version it is called something different). After i changed this to yes i got no more messages anymore.

But IE7 is going nuts that it is now insecure and wants to change that Switch every time i start IE.

First: Why the hell is a Web Browser changing rules for my Operating System?!! And Second: Why is my Network Drive now in the Internet Group?

Ok i found this site: which tells you how to add your server to the intranet security options in IE7.

Still i think that a Web Browser should not be able to change my OS Settings.